Valeria Fascione, Regional Councillor for startup and internationalization, had anticipated, on 14 August, that the “Regional Strategic Plan for Internationalization” was published on BURC (Bollettino Ufficiale Regione Campania). The Plan is a support system for companies that will take concrete steps to gain new spaces in the international markets. The well-structured and well-defined measure foresees, for 2018 and 2019 years, to fund, with 20 million, market analysis and promotional activities, incoming and outgoing missions and participation in international events in the strategic areas envisaged in the RIs3 Document issued by the Campania Region for 2014 2020 POR FESR funds planning.
The regional aerospace sector, considered strategic for the re-industrialization of the Campania economy, still maintains, despite the long economic crisis and difficulties of the Campania Companies, important expansion potential, as the international market in air transport and industry continues to grow at significant rates.
Let us hope that all the Campania’s Companies can take the opportunities offered by the Regional Plan, especially for those micro and small companies more affected by the economic situation, the relationship with a single home buyer, and often not still equipped to emerge on the global market.